McDonalds and KFC Case

McDonalds and KFC Case

McDonalds and KFC Case Instructions and Questions

A good approach to analyzing cases is found in the “Analyzing Cases Appendix” on page 343. Additionally, I have included a series of questions for your review. The purpose of these questions is to help focus and guide your thoughts while analyzing the case. You want to address these questions; however, don’t stop there. That approach will earn you, at best, a B for the assignment. Use the questions to spur even further analysis and recommendations.

You will be more successful if your write-up takes the perspective of executives who must arrive at a definite conclusion and specific recommendations. Your recommendations should be based on information & resources available at the time of the case. Don’t base recommendations on technological breakthroughs or developments that have happened since the time of the case.

Your final write-up should take the form of a business report that includes an executive summary, analysis section, alternative(s) identification, and recommendation(s).

Your executive summary should be no more than 2 pages and the analysis, alternatives and recommendation sections should not exceed 8 pages. The maximum length of your write-up is 10 pages, not including a cover page and illustrations. You may add as many charts, graphs or illustrations as you need to reinforce your analysis.

1. Please use a font size of 11 or 12 and single space your paper. Also, submit your case as a Word document not a PDF.

Please make sure that you clearly identify your Team’s submission by including:

a. Your class, section and semester (MGT  Fall 2016);

Questions to Consider

(Remember these questions are designed to help focus your thinking and spur you on to further analysis and recommendations.):

1. What is your evaluation of the attractiveness of China as a market for fast food franchises? What are the opportunities and obstacles involved in operating in China? If you were managing Wendy’s, for example, would you invest in China?

2. Compare and contrast the approaches of McDonald’s and KFC in China?

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the McDonald’s model? The KFC model?

4. What lessons about international strategy can we draw from this case?

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