West Central Hospital Scenario

West Central Hospital Scenario

West Central Hospital Scenario


West Central Hospital is a major teaching hospital that operates intern and residency programs, and is a member of a multihospital health care system. The hospital is located in the suburbs, and its community has new building construction, moderate population growth, and aging and pediatric populations that are increasing.

This hospital has these additional features:

  • 410 licensed beds for general acute care, but only 370 operating (staffed) beds
  • Annual admissions of about 30,000
  • An emergency department with approximately 90,000 annual visits
  • A case mix index of about 1.15

    Among the services it provides are:

  • Both inpatient and outpatient rehabilitative (physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech language pathology) services
  • Behavioral health services
  • A neonatal intensive care unit
  • All other ancillary and support services expected of such a hospital

    The hospital is currently using a Balanced Scorecard for West Central Hospital.One of West Central Hospital’s administrators asks your team to analyze and critique their scorecard and provide them with suggestions.

Specific questions are provided below.

  • Download and print a copy of theBalanced Scorecard for West Central Hospital, which can be found in the Week 6 Resources area (SEE ATTACHMENT). Analyze it in light of the scenario above.
  • Review your Learning Resources throughout the course regarding the purpose of balanced scorecards and recommendations on metric selections. These resources include pages 143–145 in the Langabeer text (GOOGLE), and the “Boards, Dashboards, and Data” PowerPoint from the IHI website.(ATTACHED)
  • Read through the categories of information on the scorecard. Review the various weekly topics in this course—e .g., forecasting, capacity management, reengineering, staffing, scheduling, productivity, and supply chain—to help you identify key areas that should be reflected in the scorecard and corresponding metrics that are important to health care organizations. Do you see any important areas missing? Anything redundant?
  • Look closely at the metrics themselves; using your textbooks and other Learning Resources from throughout the course, identify what data they represent.
  • Analyze the data to get a sense how this hospital is doing. Consider what the Custom Compare Group (CCG) data and the hospital’s own 3-year trended data say about the hospital’s performance. Is it improving, getting worse, or staying stable in the various areas? Do the data suggest any areas that are greatly in need of improvement?

My section to complete is:

Review the scenario and consider these details in connection with the scorecard data. Propose a significant, yet plausible strategic goal for this organization. Then identify 1 metric the organization should focus on to help them meet this goal. Are these metrics in the scorecard already? If so, which ones are they? If not, which metrics would you add to the scorecard to help leadership monitor this strategic goal?


Number of physicians associated and performing high quality care. 


Ferrari, L. R. (2013). The surgical scorecard: a tool to close the loop on OR utilization. Hospital Practice (1995), 41(3), 80-88. doi:10.3810/hp.2013.08.1071

Langabeer, J. R (2008).  Health care operations management.  Sudbury, MA: Jones and Barlettt Publishers.

    • Article: Anonymous. (2008). Slaying the budget-killers: New strategies emerge for physician preference products. Hospital Materials Management, 33(11), 1–3. Retrieved from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1592142291&Fmt=3&clientId=70192&RQT=309&VName=PQD
    • Article: Barlow, R. D. (2010). Kept in the dark. Healthcare Purchasing News, 34(2), 48–49. Retrieved from http://ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=47884515&site=ehost-live&scope=site
    • Week 6 Team Application:Balanced Scorecard for West Central Hospital


The principles of effective scorecard metrics are discussed at these websites. Consider these as you begin the Team Application on balanced scorecards this week.

    • J.L. Reinertsen (2007, June 11) “Boards, Dashboards and Data” [Powerpoints slides].Used by permission of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, www.ihi.org .

      Review the PowerPoint

      ® presentation, “Boards, Dashboards, and Data,” which you read in Week 1.

    • Balanced Scorecard Institute: What Is the Balanced Scorecard?http://www.balancedscorecard.org/BSCResources/AbouttheBalancedScorecard/tabid/55/Default.aspx

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